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Miłka Raulin

je hrdá mama 18-ročného Jeremyho, ktorá verí, že byť rodičom neznamená, že sa musíte vzdať svojich vášní. Vzdelaním a povolaním je inžinierka elektrickej trakcie, ale je aj vášnivou cestovateľkou a milovníčkou horolezectva, bezmotorového lietania a motokrosu. V roku 2018 dosiahla prestížny titul Koruna Zeme v najťažšej verzii — 9 vrcholov, čím sa stala najmladšou Poľkou s týmto titulom. Je treťou a najmladšou Poľkou, ktorá absolvovala prechod Grónskom. Okrem toho je prvou ženou so zimnou Korunou poľských hôr, keď zdolala 28 hôr za 6,75 dňa. Miłka je tiež autorkou kníh Sila snov alebo ako som vyliezla na Korunu Zeme, Ako som vyliezla na Everest a 600 km cez ľadovú púšť. Okrem toho je zakladateľkou, hostiteľkou a organizátorkou festivalu The Power of Dreams – Festival of Adventure a Rally South-North – lekcie z histórie bicyklov na oslavu Dňa nezávislosti Poľska. Tiež založila, hostila a produkovala sériu rozhovorov o vášňach s názvom Conversations with People Who Are Passionate (Rozhovory so zapálenými ľuďmi) a s cieľom motivovať ľudí, aby prešli k činom a čo je najdôležitejšie, povzbudiť ich, aby našli svoje vášne a prekonávali prekážky.
is a proud mother of 18-year-old Jeremy who believes that being a parent doesn’t mean you have to give up your passions. She is an electrical traction engineer by education and profession, but she is also an avid traveller, and a lover of mountaineering, gliding, and motocross. In 2018, she achieved the prestigious title of completing the Crown of the Earth in the most difficult version — 9 peaks, making her the youngest Polish woman with this title. She is the third and youngest Polish woman to complete the Greenland Traverse. Additionally, she is the first woman with the winter Crown of Polish Mountains, having conquered 28 mountains in 6.75 days. She is also the author of the books “The Power of Dreams, or How I Climbed the Crown of the Earth”, “How I Climbed Everest”, and “600 km through the Icy Desert”. Moreover, she is the founder, host, and organiser of the festival “The Power of Dreams – Festival of Adventure”, and the South-North Rally — a bicycle history lesson to celebrate Polish Independence Day. She has also founded, hosted, and produced a series of conversations about passions called “Conversations with People Who Are Passionate” to motivate people to take action and, most importantly, encourage them to find their passions and overcome barriers.