Krásne hory
Beautiful Mountains
Rež.: Tomáš Galásek
Prod.: Tomáš Galásek
Česko / Czechia, 2024, 28ˈ
Vydajte sa s horolezcami Marekom Holečkom a Matějom Bernátom na obdivuhodnú, napínavú a miestami aj humornú cestu. Staňte sa svedkami radostí a strastí, ktorým čelia počas svojej expedície, keď sa pokúšajú zdolať hrozivú severozápadnú stenu Sura Peaku, dovtedy málo známej hory v Nepále.
Embark on an awe-inspiring, thrilling, and sometimes humorous journey with climbers Marek Holeček and Matěj Bernát in this short documentary film. Witness the joys and sorrows they face during their expedition as they attempt to climb the formidable northwest face of Sura Peak, a mountain in Nepal that was little-known until then.
Blok 5
21:00, 10. 10. 2024 – štvrtok
09:00 p.m., October 10, 2024 – Thursday
Veľká zasadačka MsÚ Poprad /
Congress Hall Poprad